Boyhood (Season 1) [Korean]

Set in the backdrop of the mid-to-late 1980s, the drama tells the story of students at an agricultural high school in Chungcheong Province. Jang Byung Tae is a small and weak boy living in Onyang in South Chungcheong Province. He is at the bottom of the school’s social ladder so he transfers to the neighboring Buyeo Agricultural High School. There, he faces an unexpected incident that becomes a turning point in his life.

Set in the backdrop of the mid-to-late 1980s, the drama tells the story of students at an agricultural high school in Chungcheong Province. Jang Byung Tae is a small and weak boy living in Onyang in South Chungcheong Province. He is at the bottom of the school’s social ladder so he transfers to the neighboring Buyeo Agricultural High School. There, he faces an unexpected incident that becomes a turning point in his life.

Boyhood (Season 1) [Korean]

Genre: Action, Thriller, Comedy, Youth

Release Date: 2023

Stars: Yim Si Wan, Lee Sun Bin, Kang Hye Won, Lee Shi Woo, Kim Yun Bae, Kim Jung Jin

Language: Korean

Episode: 10 (Complete)

Episode 1   Episode 2 
Episode 3    Episode 4    Episode 5 
Episode 6     Episode 7    Episode 8    Episode 9    Episode 10